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Nepal Ecology Treks

Nepal Ecology Treks
  Trekking Seasons  
  Trekking is possible at any time of the year depending on where you are going. The most popular seasons are Autumn and Spring.  
Autumn: Sep-Nov October and November are really Nepal's highest months - offering excellent weather and tantalizing mountain views.
Winter: Dec-Feb This season is noted for occasional snowfall only at higher elevations. Mountain passes may be snowbound, hence it is ideal for trekking at lower elevations, generally below 3000 meters.
Spring: Mar-May Different varieties of wild flowers, specially the rhododendrons, make the hillside above 5000 meters a haunting paradise during this season. It is mildly warm at lower elevations and at higher elevation over 4000 meters the mountain views are excellent and temperature is quite moderate.
Summer: Jun-Aug Summer months really continue up to mid-September making travel wet and warm. These times are blessed for the keen botanist as the higher valleys and meadows blossom with flowers and lush vegetation. Insect repellent is a nice addition to your What to Bring list. During this season, you can trek in the rain-shadow (places are out of reach of the rain clouds because of the high mountains) areas north of the Himalaya like Mustang and Dolpo.


We are excited to share our more than 3 decates of experience with you! To celebrate this milestone, we’re offering special pricing for your next trek and adventure travel in Nepal.
Please reach out to us via email at, and we'll respond with the best offer tailored to your program and budget.

Useful Information
Nepal Ecology Treks

Short Trekking

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